2030 Agenda in Public Management: Practices and Challenges in Higher Education Institutions
This e-book, produced independently and free of charge, originated after extensive discussions and research among the authors of this work, who are UFES' civil servants. It was observed, at the time of its conception, that in the daily experiences at UFES, little was known about Sustainable Development, even less about the 2030 Agenda Goals proposed by the United Nations (UN). Thus, encouraged by this empirical experience and by the well-intentioned joint effort, this e-book has studies on different activities carried out on Alegre Campus, which fit into some of the 2030 Agenda Goals. Organizers: Elaine Cristina Gomes da Silva, José Teodoro Lobato, Sara Brinati Valentim.
Sustainable development in public management: theoretical perspectives
This free and independent e-book presents some theoretical clippings elaborated by UFES' civil servants, Alegre Campus. It was constituted with themes that involve practices inherent to public management, from the perspective of sustainable development, resulting in contexts described through content analysis. There is no intention of exhausting the studies on the themes presented, on the contrary, an attempt was made to modestly contribute to the field. Organizers: Elaine Cristina Gomes da Silva, Lucas José Teodoro Lobato.