
Until March 2021, around 400 actions carried out by UFES from 2016 to 2020 were identified, they fit into some of the Brazilian goals elaborated by the Institute for Research and Applied Economics (Ipea). Such actions are being classified as "finalistic goals" (those whose object is directly related to the achievement of an specific SDG), or as "implementation goals" (which concern the institutional arrangement and tools such as: legislation, plans, public policies, programs, necessary to achieve the SDGs). Here are some of the actions already identified:

  1. Provision of three more new grants for students registered at Proaes-Ufes. Goal 1.B – implementation: strengthen political and institutional frameworks to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of poverty eradication actions.
  2. More than 16 tons of food have been donated since the start of the pandemic. Goal 2.1 – finalistic: by 2030, eradicate hunger and guarantee access for all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations.
  3. Ufes vaccinates 4,397 people against yellow fever. Goal 3.8 – finalistic: to ensure, through the Unified Health System (SUS), universal health coverage, access to quality essential health services at all levels of care, and access to safe essential medicines and vaccines.
  4. Ufes receives equipment to facilitate communication with deaf people. Goal 4.a – implementation: offer physical school infrastructure adequate to the needs of people with disabilities and sensitive to gender, which guarantees the existence of safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.
  5. Centers of Alegre Campus directed by women. Goal 5.5 – implementation: ensure the full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in the public sphere, in its political and economic dimensions.
  6. UFES and Cesan sign a partnership to develop more economical sewage networks. Goal 6.3 - finalistic: by 2030, improve water quality in water bodies, reducing pollution, eliminating waste and minimizing the release of hazardous materials and substances, reducing by half the proportion of untreated effluent discharge and substantially increasing the safe recycling and reuse locally.
  7. Installation of mini-generation power plants at Ufes. Goal 7.2 – finalistic: by 2030, maintain a high share of renewable energies in the national energy matrix.
  8. UFES in partnership with Ifes inaugurate activities of the Incubadora Sul Capixaba. Goal 8.3 – finalistic: to promote development with the generation of decent work; formalization; growth of micro, small and medium companies; entrepreneurship and innovation.
  9. Digital Citizenship Nucleus provides access to information technology for the community – Goal 9.c – finalistic: significantly increase access to information and communication technologies and strive to provide universal access.
  10. UFES signs agreement for actions of the Citizenship Program in Prisons - Goal 10.2 - finalistic: by 2030, to empower and promote social, economic and political inclusion of all, in order to reduce inequalities, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, economic status etc.
  11. UFES and Gazeta renew partnership and present results on urban mobility - Goal 11.3 – finalistic: by 2030, increase inclusive and sustainable urbanization, improve capacities for planning, social control, and participative, integrated and sustainable management.
  12. Awareness campaign for rational use of natural resources and public goods - Goal 12.5 - finalistic: by 2030, substantially reduce the generation of waste through the circular economy and its prevention, reduction, recycling and waste reuse actions.
  13. Implementation of the Climate Studies Center at UFES - Goal 13.3 – finalistic: to improve education, increase awareness, human and institutional capacity on climate change, its risks, mitigation, adaptation, impacts, and early warning.
  14. UFES Campus in São Mateus is part of the state committee that monitors oil arrival on Espírito Santo beaches - Goal 14.c (UN target maintained) – implementation: ensure conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources.
  15. Soil analysis laboratory receives certificates of excellence - Goal 15.3 (UN target maintained) - finalistic: by 2030, combat desertification, and restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, droughts and floods, and fight for achieving a neutral world in terms of land degradation.
  16. UFES is recognized by the UN as an institution with academic impact - Goal 16.8 - finalistic: to expand and strengthen Brazilian participation in global governance institutions.
  17. UFES and the Public Ministry of Labor sign a technical cooperation agreement - Goal 17.17 – implementation: encourage and promote effective partnerships in the public, public-private, private and civil society spheres, based on the experience of these partnerships' resource mobilization strategies.


Source: Elaine Cristina Gomes da Silva, Thiago Araújo Dantas.

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