
Methodology for classification of activities

To classify the activities regarding their frameworks in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their respective goals, the method of content analysis was applied, observing the purposes of each activity investigated against the propositions of the document "National Goals of the Goals of Sustainable Development", prepared by the Institute of Applied Economic Research - Ipea, published in 2018.

Summary of analyzed goals Quantity
Global goals that were maintained 167
Goals considered not applicable to Brazil 2
Subtotal – global goals 169
Goals that were kept in their original version 39
Goals that were changed to suit Brazilian reality 128
Goals that were added for Brazil 8
Total of Brazilian goals 175

For clarification purposes, the Report on Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals was also observed, managed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which makes such indicators available as they are prepared, on the website:

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