

Management actions were considered to be those managed through administrative structures and management policies, those related to employment, finance, campus services, support services, facilities, procurement, human resources and student administration, as suggested by Sustainable Development Solutions Network Australia/Pacific in Getting started with the SDGs in universities: A guide for universities, higher education institutions, and the academic, published in 2017.

Information was obtained through the newspaper Informa, UFES's main website and Campuses, where the actions carried out between the years 2016 to 2020 were researched, not counting the same actions that took place in different campuses. Thus, a total of 424 different management actions were obtained in all UFES's Campuses.

The process of classifying the actions took place using the content analysis methodology, observing the purpose of the actions investigated against the Brazilian goals, established in the document "SDG - National Goals for Sustainable Development Goals" prepared by the Institute for Applied Economic Research - Ipea, published in 2018.


Number of management actions carried out in accordance with the main SDGs throughout UFES. In addition to these, we identified 31 shares in the remaining 11 SDGs.

Among the 175 Brazilian goals defined by the Institute for Applied Economic Research – Ipea, UFES's actions were classified into 71 different goals. The 424 actions were related to more than one goal and, therefore, a total of 491 goals were achieved in all Campuses.


Goals identified by SDG according to management actions from 2016 to 2020.    


Goals identified by SDG according to management actions per year.

In Alegre Campus, 98 goals were identified; in São Mateus, 109; and in Vitória (Maruípe and Goiabeiras) there were 284.


Proportion of goals identified by UFES's Campus.

Most of the actions carried out were considered as final goals (72%), that is, they are those whose objective is directly related to achieving the SDG. The others (28%) were implementation goals, as they refer to human, financial, technological and governance resources (institutional arrangement and tools: legislation, plans, public policies, programs, etc.) necessary to achieve the SDGs, as per Ipea.


Summary of results of management actions at UFES.



Six management projects that qualified for the Brazilian goals were identified, most of which were mainly related to SDG 16 and SDG 4. 

Project Situation Objective SDG Goal

Implementation of the Earte Contingency Plan (Phases 1 and 2)

Completed in 2020 Resume the halted academic activities as part of COVID-19, with a guarantee of physical and psychosocial safety for all members of UFES's community. 4


Implementation of the Earte Contingency Plan (Phases 3)

In progress Make academic activities viable, in a hybrid format, with a guarantee of physical and psychosocial security for all members of UFES's community. 4


2030 Agenda at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

In progress Identify and disseminate the sustainability actions developed at Federal University of Espírito Santo; promote actions that enable the implementation and dissemination of the Sustainable Development Goals at UFES. 4
Adaptation of the Federal University of Espírito Santo to the General Data Protection Law Concluded in July 2021 Develop the plan to adapt the General Data Protection Law at Ufes, building effective processes for transparency and management of the rights of the holders of personal data. 16 16.6
People Development Plan – UFES 2022 In progress Promote development of public servants in the skills necessary to achieve excellence in the bodies and entities of the federal public administration, in line with the interests of the administration and the development needs of the servants. 16 16.6
Accessibility and Inclusion of People with Disabilities Project In progress It aims to guarantee students with disabilities the specific conditions that allow them to follow up on teaching, research and extension activities. 4 4.5


UFES's organizational structure was analyzed in order to identify the sectors involved in the activities that had the highest classification according to the SDG:


SDG 3=4 sectors, SDG 4=8 sectors, SDG 9=2 sectors, SDG 10=2 sectors, SDG 16=14 sectors, SDG 17=1 sector. Click on the image to enlarge it.

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